Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Little Boy J and The Non-Working Camera!

This past weekend I was to have a session with Little J. I was so excited to bring "Daisy" out for this session. I get to my clients home (which is beautiful, by the way) only to have technical difficulties with "Daisy". She did not want to perform at all. I do have a backup camera but it was sitting all nice and snug at home. Not much good it would do me there. Luckily my clients were very understanding and accommodating. They had a similar camera to my backup camera. I was able to use my lens and CF cards to proceed with the session.

Little J was such a great model. 6-7 mos is such a great age. They are in the smiley, non-moving stage, but just know they can change their moods very quite due to nap schedules. So it is best to take as many shots as you can before the sleepy monsters come.

Well here is a sneak peek for J's parents. Thanks again for the camera, and just to let you know "Daisy" decided to work just fine the next day. I guess me threatening to send her to the Dr. made her cooperate :)



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