Saturday, December 1, 2007

Little Baby A and the Ice Storm.

What a day! I had the pleasure of having a session with beautiful baby A. She is a little over a week old and she is very alert. Holding her sure made me long for the days when my daughter C was that small. Im sure you will see more pics of baby A as her mom is my best friend.

I tried to get as many shots in as I could but didn't get as many as I wanted because of the snowstorm/ice storm that was heading towards the Chicagoland area. I ended up stuck in traffic for 3 hours. Not fun at all. Thank goodness I had a cell phone (recharged too) so I made a few phone calls. Thanks to those that listened to me complain about the weather :)

Anyways here a peek for Mom and Dad :


Momma Mary said...

Too Precious! :)

That ice storm hit here too. It was terrible.


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