Tuesday, September 23, 2008


After my last session I realized how much I love working with boys. Believe or not but boys tend to be better models. I noticed that they want to pose and smile. They also have ideas of where they think I should take a picture of them. Girls on the other hand usually want to run the other and are not interested in having their picture taken. I would think it would be the opposite but I guess not.

Anyways, I had the pleasure of working with brothers J and N. They worked their charm for the camera. See for yourself :)


Unknown said...

The photo of the boys walking away is absolutely adorable. I wish I lived closer to you - I would love for you to take Ian and Aidan's pics.

SunKissed said...

I agree, the picture of the boys walking together is priceless! Great job on these!

One Hot Single Mama said...

They are super cute!! You are awesome!


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