Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My last session for the season....

This is my last session until the springtime. It is bittersweet. As much as I love my job, I know my limitations. My unborn child has decided to inflict a lot of aches and pains on me. With that Im not able to move as fast to capture all those great moments. I know it is for the best and I should enjoy my last few weeks with my family.

I promise to keep everyone update on my progress with Baby C. So make sure you stay tuned.

In the meantime here is my last session. Enjoy!!


Alison said...

Awesome work as always. Can't wait to hear more about the baby. So excited for you!

One Hot Single Mama said...

These are amazing!! I love the one with the girl in the grass! I know mom is going to be happy! You are fabulous!


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